Monday, October 27, 2008

Reflections of Christ

Okay so this is the second time I have seen this link, and I feel like I should post and share my feelings and Testimony of My SAVIOR Jesus Christ.
I know with all of my heart and soul that Christ knows me by name. He knows my struggles and my strengths. I am forever grateful for Him and his sacerfice to take on MY sins and die for me that I may be forgiven for all the wrong things I do each day. I am grateful for my knowledge of Him and for His helping hand in my life. Without I know where I would be, I have been there and it's not a fun place. I am grateful for His patience with me. I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven for allowing his Son to come to earth to allow us the opportunity to choose our life. For us to be able to make our own decisions. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wants each of us to return to them. We are Sons and Daughter of a loving and caring Heavenly Father. He wants each of us to return and live with him someday.
I hope that as you take a few moments of your day to reflect on the blessing you are giving, you also thank Heavenly Father for sending his Son! May God contiune to bless each of you and your families.