Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Autumn Part 2

Jennifers birthday was yesterday and she managed to get it off. So we went to her favorite spot Estes Park. We usually end up at Bear Lake but decided to do something differnt so went to some parts of the park we had not been to yet. We ate lunch and listened to the elk bugle back and forth. Dakota didnt mind it at first, but he could see them at first too. I think it was the bugling coming from the trees that scared him. I told Jenn it reminded me of the movie "The Village". Fun stuff so, we drove around some more and took a walk at Hidden Valley. Went back to Estes for a river and store walk. All in all it was a great day. The weather was great and the drive and walking was great too with all the beautiful scenery. The Fall is a great time of year with the mild temps and changing colors.

Listening to the Elk after lunch.

Dakota trying to figure out what
the noise from the trees is.

I am always walking across the streams
on these fallen trees and I got Jenn and Dakota
not only to cross, but pose for a shot on the tree.

The river walk in Estes Park.

Dakota always likes to get control of the camera
so Jenn helped him take this shot.

Jenn likes that everytime we pass this church
in Allens Park I stop to take a picture.