Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dakota's Birthday- Part 1

Today starts the beginning of Dakota's birthday weekend. Today we had Dakota's Pirate Party. It turned out good... and would have been better had there not been snow for the last 2 days. So a few friends had to cancel. But we did have a good time with Emily, Kate and Reagan.  We had the house all decorated in pirate garb. We had Pizza for lunch, and very cute pirate face cake(thanks to Melani), a treasure hunt and sword fighting. 

I am very frustrated.... in that our Camera continues to act up. I took a lot of pictures of the cake making process, but all the pictures were corrupted. I am so getting a new camera! 

I can't believe my baby is going to be 3 on monday. He is a great kid. So funny. A few things about him as of right now
- He can sing his ABC's.. (see post below)
- He is 3 feet tall
- He loves nursery
- He loves to ask questions
- His waist is 20 inches around and so is his head. 
- He loves fruits
- He has an imaginary friend name kuh kuh kuh kuh ( we don't know where the name came from, and we can't seem to get him to change it)
- He loves to read 
- He knows how to work the Ipod and Computer (this amazed Lars at Whitney's wedding) 
- He is having his first driving lessons on the jeeps 
- He loves to play in the snow, or watch it snow.. or anything that has to do with snow

He is so much fun to be around. We are blessed to have him in our family. He bring joy and happiness to each day. I am grateful the Lord has blessed us and trusts us enough to take care of him. 
There will be more birthday post as the weekend goes on..... It's an all about Dakota weekend! (that's what happens when your birthday falls on a monday!)


4handfulls said...

What a fun party! The cake looks great!

Liesl said...

Looks like it was fun! Can't wait for the next parts. :)

Laus said...

We are so happy to have Dakota in our family!!! We laughed that his head and waist are the same circumference and hope that one day he will too. His cake turned out really well! And I'd have to agree with Lars that it is impressive Dakota knows so much already--kudos to the Parents!

Anonymous said...

it looks so fun!